ICSSP 2023 Best Paper Award, “Using GUI Videos to Obtain Stakeholders’ Feedback”
Index terms: Feedback, GUI test, video, agile Précis The problem addressed in this work is how to support frequent stakeholder reviews of product GUIs during...
Advancing software and other processes in science, technology, and practice
The ISSPA is an association for software engineers, systems engineers, and other professionals with a special interest in process as a distinguished field of research and development.
The ISSPA originated from the idea that software engineering can make distinctive contributions to the study of process. It recognizes, however, that processes broadly are multidimensional in their influences, concerns, and impacts; hence, it welcomes contributions from across scientific, engineering, social, and other disciplines.
Software is ubiquitous in the world today. The ability to address the demanding and often conflicting requirements for critical software and software-based systems starts with the processes by which the software is developed, deployed, used, and maintained.
These processes, which we refer to as the domain of software and systems process, are a point of origin for consequences that radiate to individuals, institutions, society, and the environment. Software and systems processes therefore play a fundamental role in determining the character and quality of modern life. For that reason, the ISSPA believes that advancing both the state of the art and the state of the practice in software and systems process is vital to the future prosperity and security of the world.
A successful ICSSP 2023 occurred May 14-15, 2023 at ICSE in Melbourne, Australia.
Well-deserved thanks and congratulations go to the Organizing Committee, Program Committee, authors, and participants!
Please check back for updates about ICSSP 2024.
ISSPA welcomes recommendations for blog posts from contributors both within and beyond the ISSPA community. Authors are encouraged to express their personal viewpoints on process-related topics that may be of interest to a general, technically oriented audience (both academic and industrial). If you are recommending someone to write a blog post, please look here and contact us if you have any questions.
Index terms: Feedback, GUI test, video, agile Précis The problem addressed in this work is how to support frequent stakeholder reviews of product GUIs during...
Index Terms: Code review, code review process smells, mutation testing, LGTM smell, reviewer attention Précis The problem addressed in this work is how to...
The ISSPA is pleased to announce the publication of recent interviews with two leading software engineering researchers: Anita Carleton discusses the Past and Future...
We are delighted to welcome you to our new web site! We hope it will provide the information you need. Some quick links to...
Your ideas, work, and experiences are critical to the ISSPA community! Please consider contributing a feature article or recommending someone to write a blog...
ISSPA welcomes contributions of feature articles on process-related themes from contributors both within and beyond the ISSPA community. Examples of the kinds of articles of interest include conference and workshop summaries, technical discussions, industry reports, and interviews with people with noteworthy perspectives and experience.
If you are interested in contributing a feature article, please look here and contact us if you have any questions.
Anita Carleton is an Executive Leadership Team Member and Director of the Software Solutions Division (SSD) at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon University. Carleton...
Dr. Liming Zhu is Research Director of the Software & Computational Systems group, in the Data61 business unit of Australia’s CSIRO. (CSRIO is the Commonwealth Scientific...
Summary of the 1st ICSSP-ICGSE Joint Event Paolo Tell, David Raffo, LiGuo Huang, Igor Steinmacher, Ricardo Britto, Eray Tüzün, Paul Clarke Published in ACM SIGSOFT Software...
Summary of the 2019 International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP 2019) Stanley M. Sutton, Jr., Ove Armbrust, Regina Hebig, Paul Clarke Published in ACM...
Summary of the International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP 2018) Marco Kuhrmann, Rory V. O’Connor, Dan Houston, Regina Hebig, David Raffo Published in ACM SIGSOFT...
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Garden City, ID, 83714, USA
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